Feeding Communities

The Circle of Care Group & The Community Care Council
The Monroe County Circle of Care Mobile Food Drop occurs on the second Wednesday of each month at
Christ United Methodist Church, 417 N. Frontage Rd., Forsyth, GA.  Volunteers should arrive at 9am.

The act of feeding the hungry in our communities took on more significance in 2020 as many families experienced job loss due to the economic impact of the pandemic. United Bank employees volunteered with organized food programs throughout the Bank’s footprint, unloading trucks and boxing the items for drive-thru pick up. The Circle of Care group of the Community Care Council in Forsyth has been distributing food to the people of Monroe County since the tornado damage of 2011. Aimee Freeman coordinates the delivery of the food from the Middle Georgia Community Food Bank and assembles the scores of volunteers who participate through the Monroe County Ministerial Association.

“It warms my heart to see the people in our community come together,” Aimee shared. “Our volunteers meet the truck once a month at Christ United Methodist Church to unload, sort and repackage, then pass out the food.” 

They typically provide 12,000 pounds of food to 250 households each month. The boxes include meats, canned goods, breads, frozen food, milk and juice, along with fresh produce. The Feeding America program gathers the surplus from participating grocery stores across the United States. Cole Davis, President of United Bank in Forsyth, often works as a volunteer.

“I love to join my neighbors on these days. The spirit of caring for others is refreshing and always lifts my spirits,” explained Cole. “Aimee and the others do a remarkable job every month with the food distribution.”


United Bank believes in corporate social responsibility.  We are accountable to our communities, our employees and their families, and the environment that we all share.  Read more about United Bank's mission and beliefs.

